Friday, 12 August 2011

How To Add Animated Images To Blogger Blog and Webpages

In this post, we are going to see, how to add animated images to blogger blog and webpages.
every web designer try to show their webpage attractively, adding few animated image to your blogger blog or webpages gives some new look to your blog,
Its very simple to add animated images to blogger blog, If you upload your animated images directly to blogger blog means some times it won't animate, easy and simple solution is open one new photobucket account, Its free only,
Upload your own animated or you can collect some animated images from websites,lot of websites providing free animated gif images, cliparts, graphic images and pictures, Select the following link and collect free animated images or pictures for your website.


See step by step procedure, how to add animated images or pictures to your blog or webpage,

Step : 1 Open photo bucket account or create one new photobucket account.

step : 2 Upload your Images to your photo bucket account,

Step : 3 Just mouse over, over the uploaded Image in photo bucket, the following box
             will popup.

             See picture below.

Step: 4 Copy the HTML code and paste it in your blogger blog or website that's it.

you can also add animated images or picture to blogger blog side bar, go to page elements, then select add gadget, then select, HTML/Javascript, copy and paste the HTML code of the image from photo bucket, then save the gadget.      

For Preview visit the following websites below,

